Welcom2 #cookinwifrabbits ! BearDoctor will b travellin back home soon to his humans. We have enjoyed having him on our shows!
Comments#behindthescenes Rufus, come on, we're all sad, but Doc will come bck 2 visit. We gotta do da show, Rufus... #cookinwifrabbits
CommentsDoc will help Rufus crumble some digestive cookies & mix with melted butter for da crust #cookinwifrabbits
CommentsZack:u guys prepare da crust. I'll mix ingredients for da filling #cookinwifrabbits
CommentsDoc's gonna grate some orange zest for us. #cookinwifrabbits Mix into filling.
CommentsSpread filling into pre-baked crust #cookinwifrabbits
CommentsChill in fridge. Top wif drained mandarin orange segments #cookinwifrabbits
Comments***commercial break*** Bucker's Jams & Jellies. With a name like Bucker's you know it's for bunnies! [Click here for more fun ads.]
CommentsChill and serve this soft no-bake fruity cheesecake #cookinwifrabbits Enjoy!
CommentsMandarin Orange Cheesecake recipe #cookinwifrabbits
Comments#behindthescenes #cookinwifrabbits bye Doc! We've had so much fun with you on the show!!