Welcom2 #cookinwifrabbits 1st new episode of 2014!
CommentsToday, we make oatmeal caremelitas recipe from @ellnhank! #cookinwifrabbits Gather some ingredients..
CommentsGet your helpers to line pan with parchement paper #cookinwifrabbits
CommentsMix brown sugar/oats/flour/butter together until crumbly #cookinwifrabbits
CommentsMeasure half and set aside in bowl #cookinwifrabbits press other half into pan & bake for 10 mins
CommentsMeanwhile, chop nuts, mix flour & caramel sauce together #cookinwifrabbits
CommentsRemove pan from oven, sprinkled choco chips & nuts, spread caramel evenly #cookinwifrabbits
CommentsSprinkle reserved crumbs on top #cookinwifrabbits Bake for 20 mins or until golden brown
Comments***commercialbreak*** Rabbit Oatmeal Nuggets!! Healthy part of a balanced breakfast! #cookinwifrabbits [Click here for more fun ads.]
CommentsCool for 1 hr on rack, then in fridge until set. Cut into bars #cookinwifrabbits
CommentsOur taste-testers will now sample a plate.. or two.. heh heh Enjoy!! #cookinwifrabbits
CommentsOatmeal Carmelitas recipe #cookinwifrabbits