welcom2 #cookinwifrabbits ! Doc Ben and @Blindmaximus will help us make Dorayaki- japanese pancake desserts
CommentsRufus: hey, Max! what u doin? the food is over here! #cookinwifrabbits
CommentsEfurryone b extra careful once we turn on the grill! #cookinwifrabbits
CommentsMix eggs/sugar. Add water, mirin. add flour mixture. add oil. #cookinwifrabbits
CommentsGrill one side, flip when the bubbles pop. Cool on rack when slightly golden #cookinwifrabbits
Comments***Commercial Break*** PROZACK.. for those days when u need a lil extra sunshine #cookinwifrabbits [Click here for more fun ads.]
CommentsScoop red bean paste on 1 pancake. Sandwich between a second pancake #cookinwifrabbits Max: are they done yet, Rufus?
Comments#cookinwifrabbits Slightly sticky, subtle sweet, sponge-cake-like desserts. Efurryone enjoy them while they are fresh!
CommentsDorayaki - Japanese Red Bean Pancake Desserts - recipe. Enjoy! #cookinwifrabbits For more instruction click here