Welcome to Cookin w/ Rabbits-Rabbits R da Chef;NOT da Meal! Today we attemp spekkoek, a dutch layer cake recipe from @the_beardoctor
CommentsFirst we get Rufus to cream some softened butter and sugar together #cooking #baking
Commentswe need 12 eggs seperated #cooking #baking
Commentsadd yolks to butter/sugar mixture & combine well. mix whites until stiff #cooking #baking
Commentsgrind up spices (cloves, cardomum, all-spice, nutmeg, cinammon, ginger) #cooking #baking gently mix whites with butter mixture.
Commentsdivide into 2bowls. add spices to 1 bowl. spread a thin layer on prepard tin #cooking #baking broil 4 few mins then spread next layer.repeat
Comments***commercial break*** come join @kyba and me on our world trip adventure!
CommentsRufus: uhm. is it supposed to look like that Zackary: uhm.. I'm not sure... #cooking #baking
Commentswell, it's supposed to haf min 13 layers. I think we need to count again.. 1.. 2.. 3.. #cooking #baking
CommentsRufus: Oh NO!! what do we do!! we gotta make it again!! #cooking #baking Zackary: thx 4 watching!
Comments... #cookinwifrabbits #cooking #baking