Welcom 2 #cookinwifrabbits *waitin 4 our props dept. 2 get ingredients ready* #cooking Kurimanjyu = japanese baked red bean desserts
CommentsRufus: here's da sesame seeds. Is dat everything? Don't we need some red bean paste? #cookinwifrabbits
CommentsMix butter, sugar&egg. Den we add flour, baking powder&soda.. bit more, Rufus.. keep mixing!! #cookinwifrabbits
CommentsZackary: We roll da dough into strips like dis. Rufus: uh-huh... #cookinwifrabbits
CommentsDen we cut into small pieces. #cookinwifrabbits
CommentsRoll each piece out flat. #cookinwifrabbits
CommentsAdd a spoonful of prepared sweetened red bean paste. Den shape into oval balls. #cookinwifrabbits
CommentsMix yolk w/ dash of soysauce & brush onto da tops. #cookinwifrabbits
CommentsSprinkle a little white sesame seed on top for decoration. #cookinwifrabbits
CommentsWe place in oven to bake for 10-15 minutes. #cookinwifrabbits
CommentsRufus: CAN WE EAT IT NOW? Zackary: yes, dey r mildly sweet & bit dry, meant 2b eaten w/ cup of hot green tea. #cookinwifrabbits
CommentsZackary: Rufus, you gotta share!! Thx 4 watching #cookinwifrabbits !! Rufus: nom nom nom...