welcome to #cookinwifrabbits today, we'll attempt a floating meringue island on custard wif caramel sauce #cooking
Commentsfirst, we seperate some eggs... #cookinwifrabbits #cooking #baking
CommentsI said WHISK da eggs, not FRISK da eggs, Rufus!!! #cookinwifrabbits #cooking #baking
Commentsscoop meringue into ramekins. add water to pan and bake! #cookinwifrabbits #cooking #baking
Commentswe'll make some custard sauce while da meringue bakes.. #cookinwifrabbits #cooking #baking
CommentsRufus, where did you go? #cookingwifrabbits #cooking #baking
CommentsZackary: now we make some caramel sauce! Rufus: Iz gonna taste da custard sauce, jst makin sure it ok! #cookinwifrabbits hee hee hee #cooking #baking
CommentsWow! Looks almost too pretty to eat!! #cookinwifrabbits #cooking #baking
CommentsRufus: YUMMY!! Zackary: how is it?? THANKS FOR WATCHING!! #cookinwifrabbits #cooking #baking