Welcome to this week's episode of "Cooking w/Rabbits - Rabbits R the CHEF; NOT the meal!" today: Herb Bread - #cooking
CommentsKey ingredient: Fresh herbs - my bro Rufus will be helping me today! (Rufus! pay attention!) - #cooking
CommentsDrown yeast in sugar water; can you hear them screaming? - #cooking
CommentsChop up some fresh garlic cloves - #cooking Rufus: hmm hmm...
CommentsQuickly fry garlic in light olive oil - #cooking
CommentsCarefully pluck the leaves off the herbs (I'm using oregano & basil) - #cooking
CommentsRUFUS! Stop eating my ingredients!!! - #cooking ...don't pretend you don't hear me!!
CommentsSee how the yeast is frothing at the mouth? It means they're ready..otherwise, we'd have 2get new yeast & start again - #cooking
CommentsSift flour, add yeast & massage the dough till smooth! - #cooking *massage massage*
CommentsNow, we have to put it aside & let it expand. Watch it grow like a MONSTER! - #cooking Rufus: *worryworry*
CommentsZ:See how it's morphing into a huge blob?R:wow...I'm kinda scared! - #cooking
CommentsPunch dough!(kill'em!)& massage a bit more *massage* Then roll into little discs - #cooking
CommentsTop each disc w/ garlic&olive oil & herbs. Then stack the discs together - #cooking
CommentsOil some loaf tins & squish the discs into the tin like this! - #cooking Rufus: oh, I see..
CommentsCover & left expand again...look at them oozing out of the tin!! stay under the plastic!! - #cooking
Comments**commercial break** Try new "Bunny Delight"!! More than just sunshine in a bottle! *wink* - #cooking
CommentsOut of the oven & cool for a bit! Smells like nommy herbs! - #cooking
CommentsEnjoy! Thank you for watching another episode of "Cooking w/ Rabbits" Till next time *waving paws* - #cooking