Welcom2 Cookin w/Rabbits-Rabbits R da CHEF;NOT da Meal!! 2day, we make Choux Creme - Puff Pastry w/ custard cream - #cooking
CommentsFirst we make da custard. Mix some cornstarch with sugar - #cooking (FYI,these were featured @ yesterday's #pawpawty)
CommentsZackary:We'll need fresh eggs.Rufus:R THESE fresh enough? #cooking (Rufus: Did u notice, Im not wearin anythin under my apron?)
CommentsIn a double boiler, mix fresh eggs into the sugar and cornstarch until thick - #cooking
CommentsZackary: Rufus, do you have enough fresh cream yet? Rufus: I'm workin on it!!! *squeeze* *squeeze* - #cooking
CommentsZackary: Thats it,Rufus.Make sure cream is WARM.Add it VERY SLOWLY 2 mixture. Mix WELL. Remove from heat & set aside 2 cool. - #cooking
CommentsNow, the puff pastry part!! In a pot, heat some butter and water - #cooking
CommentsRemove from heat, add flour all at once and mix like crazy!! - #cooking
CommentsAdd each egg one by one. MIX LIKE CRAZY!! *MIX STIR MIX MIX STIR* *wipe sweat* *MIX MIX STIR MIX* - #cooking
CommentsZackary: spoon dough onto prepared tray. Rufus: oh, is it ready to eat yet?? - #cooking
CommentsOne of the secrets to puff pastry... sprinkle some water on the tray. The steam helps to puff up the pastry! - #cooking
CommentsPlace in hot oven! Another secret, do not open oven suddenly. The cold air makes da puffs shrink!! - #cooking
CommentsOpen oven a sliver & let cool 10 mins. Then open oven a bit more for 5 mins. Finally remove & completely cool - #cooking
CommentsCarefully cut the side of puff pastries. They should be hollow on the inside. - #cooking
CommentsFill pastries with the cooled custard cream. - #cooking ((This wks sho dedicated 2 @beardoctor! we'll all miss you!!))
CommentsSprinkle some icing sugar on it & we're done!! COME AND GET IT!! Thanks for watching!! - #cooking (lasagna next week!)