Welcome 2 another episode of "Cooking w/ Rabbits - Rabbits R the chef; NOT the meal!" 2Day we make CUPCAKES!! - #cooking
CommentsBG: What's this thing? Z: HEY! Don't touch that! I'm doing a show here!! - #cooking
CommentsMy brother has grudgingly agreed to help me (no one likes the PINK apron!) - #cooking
CommentsBeating eggs & adding sugar! (FYI, all ingredients are ORGANIC!) - #cooking
CommentsAdd milk(soy4vegans), oil & vanilla all at once. Mix for TWO mins on medium - #cooking
CommentsWhere's the cocoa powder?..HEY! COME BACK HERE!! - #cooking
CommentsBG: MWHat? I wasn't eating anythin? - #cooking
CommentsZ: *sigh* I feel a migraine coming on... - #cooking
CommentsGotta do everything myself around here!! *grumble grumble* - #cooking
CommentsOk, the SECRET INGREDIENT is... BOILING water! Must be BOILING!! - #cooking (foggin up my eyes!)
CommentsI asked the guys to simply put the cupcake cups in the tin...ARGH! what a mess!! - #cooking
CommentsCarefully scoop mix into cups.. (Make sure you don't get any on your fur!) - #cooking
Comments**Commercial Break** - "Bearcardi Rum..for those time you REALLY need it!".. - #cooking
CommentsCheckin to see if they are done.. - #cooking
CommentsWaiting for the cupcakes to cool... - #cooking
CommentsEnjoy!! Thk U 4 watching "Cooking w/ Rabbits!" - #cooking (Next wks episode back 2 Saturday!)